Monday, April 16, 2012


Freakonomics has several moods that are prevailing throughout it; one of which is intuitive. The whole purpose of the book is to unveil common misconceptions about all things related to money. As directly written in the introduction of the book, "This is about stripping a layer or two from the surface of modern life and seeing what is happening underneath." In all chapters, Levitt dives deep into the happenings of today's economy and explains to the audience how and why it happens. 
Another mood that prevails in the book is rebelliousness. The author often discusses rather controversial topics, almost too calmly and nonchalantly for a conservative audience. It seems the author likes to get down to raw facts and sugar-coats nothing for the reader, which could lead to some to become offended. Although most authors try to avoid this, Levitt embraces it. When making a connection to the Roe vs. Wade case, which was the first abortion case ever to reach supreme court, to the dramatic drop in crime rates in the 1990's writes, "Now, as the crime drop experts (the former crime doomsayers) spun their theories to the media, how many times did they cite legalized abortion as a cause? Zero." Levitt appears to bash crime experts in this quote. The author clearly exercises his right of Free Speech in this quote, and that is why he is so popular with his books; because people like to read things that cause controversy. 
The only mood that struck me on a negative note was the author's arrogant mood that he presents in many situations throughout the book. In many situations he presents his ideas as if they are 100% true and concrete, while all the author really is is a theorist. Nobody will know exactly "How to be a perfect parent", but the author sure makes it seem like he knows exactly what he's talking about. He is, of course an economist, and EVERYONE knows that economists make great parents, right? Not really. His theories that are presented are believable, but never admits that he may be wrong, which in some ways makes his arguments somewhat hollow. 

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